All Abilities Bike Inclusive Learn-to-Ride Camp
Hosted by: Amy Heuston with Dandelion Brainery Skills for Life
Over the period of 6 classes learn how to ride a bike in a safe and fun environment! Classes will be held on October 5th, October 6th, October 12th, October 13th, October 19th, and October 20th from 1:00pm-3:00pm.
Location: Bocce Ball Complex parking lot located at the corner of Omaha and Mt. Rushmore Rd in Rapid City, SD.
Limit: 8 participants
Cost: $975 (Participants keep the bike, helmet, and pedal kit valued at $500)
We’re on a mission to teach all ages and abilities the life-enhancing skill of how to ride a bike. The All Abilities Bike Inclusive Learn-to-Ride Camp serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by teaching the skill of riding a bicycle.
For more information, please visit www.allkidsbike/inclusive
Liability Waiver/Media Release
In consideration of the undersigned participation in the ALL ABILITIES BIKE Inclusive Learn-to-Ride Camp, the Parent or Participant undersigned hereby agrees to release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the All Abilities Bike Inclusive Learn-to-Ride Camp and any promoters; contractors; organizers; officials; advertisers; sponsors; clubs; participants; volunteers; owners; lessees, or occupants of premises or property used to conduct the camp; sanctioning organizations; any affiliates, subsidiaries, or parent companies thereof; including, but not limited to, their officers, employees, agents, contractors, representatives, and attorneys (collectively referred to herein as “RELEASEES”), from and against all liability to the undersigned, his personal representatives, assigns, heirs, and subrogees for any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, and expenses, including actual attorney’s fees, for bodily and/or emotional injury (including death) or damage to property, whether caused by the negligence or gross negligence of the RELEASEES or otherwise and whether based in contract, tort, or under a theory of strict liability, arising out of or in any way connected with participation in the All Abilities Bike Inclusive Learn-to-Ride Camp.
The Parent or Participant undersigned acknowledges that the camp instructor is an independent contractor, not an employee of the Strider Education Foundation, and has been certified to use the learn-to-ride balance bike method and curriculum from the Strider Education Foundation to teach individuals how to ride a bike.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Participant, Parent/Guardian, Companion, or Visitor of the Participant indicated below, and, in exchange for the right of the Participant to participate in the camp and activities relating to or occurring during the ALL ABILITIES BIKE Inclusive Learn-to-Ride Camp, and for me to enter into the participants’ area, give the following release and waiver.
I hereby grant RELEASEES the right to photograph, film, videotape or otherwise record the Participant’s, Parent’s/Guardian’s, Companion’s, or Visitor’s image, voice, sounds, likeness, appearance, actions, name and statements, including, without limitation, any endorsements, the Participant, Parent/Guardian, Companion, or Visitor make during our presence at the events or activities set out above. RELEASEES shall own all copyright and other rights to the above-described materials and Releasees may use such materials in any manner and in perpetuity.