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Wade Rice of Rice’s Rapid Motorsports grew up in a family business of all things two wheels, starting with the non-motorized version as a Schwinn dealership.  Many years later and that family business is still going strong as Wade is now selling all of the major OEM motorcycle brands like Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, and KTM.  It didn’t take Wade long to see just how beneficial the All Kids Bike Program was to his business and how the program is the perfect launch board for kids to learn the fundamentals of bicycle riding making it an easy transition to motorcycle/dirt bike riding if and when the kids are ready.  Wade recently decided to align with the Honda Riders Club to fund the Douglas School at the Ellsworth Airforce Base and he spent a little time telling us just how easy it was to get the program in that school system.  Check out the video below as he shares the story with us about why he feels you just don’t give up on kids, and how they all deserve the opportunity to learn the lifelong skill of learning to ride a bike! 

If you would like to become a donor and adopt a school in your community inquire with one of our All Kids Bike Staff today!