Investing In Community With All Kids Bike!
Tucker, a world-class distributor in the Powersports industry has recently funded five schools with the All Kids Bike learn-to-ride program! The goal for Tucker is to strengthen the bond between the Powersports business and education communities. Now, more than ever, Tucker feels the need for companies to reach out to the communities where they operate to offer support especially when it comes to children. The schools carefully chosen are schools located near one of the five Tucker distribution centers. Those schools are: Cannon Elementary School – Grapevine, TX, Rideout Elementary School – Middleburg, FL, Houston Elementary School – Visalia, CA, Mid-Valley Elementary Center – Throop, PA, and Liberty Elementary School – Bolingbrook, IL.
Each adopted school will receive the following: The Strider Kindergarten PE Curriculum, helmets, staff training and certification, and 2-in-1 Strider 14x Sport Bikes.
Tucker seeks to inspire, motivate, and support the next generation of riders, they see the potential kids have when they learn this life long skill early. There is a sense of freedom that comes while on two wheels and that doesn’t matter where the power is coming from, your legs or an engine, every child deserves to feel that sense of independence and freedom and All Kids Bike and Tucker are poised to deliver that.
If you also believe what Tucker believes and would like to inquire about funding a school in your community, contact one of our All Kids Bike Staff today! Let’s all look forward to building future riders!