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Recently the Highmark Credit Union located in western South Dakota donated to the All Kids Bike Campaign via a fundraiser they conducted in their very own office.  “Jeans on Wednesdays”.   “The employees like to take advantage of this especially knowing it is for a good cause, all of our branches participate, and we ask the employees to suggest which charity or organization we should donate too.” Carla McBride of the Highmark social committee informed us.

The concept was simple, employees could forego business attire for jeans if they made a five-dollar donation.  Each quarter during the calendar year, the company decides which organization will be the beneficiary of the “casual collection”, luckily All Kids Bike made the list thanks to an employee in the lending department who brought in an All Kids Bike campaign flyer. 

The donation from Highmark Credit Union will go into the general donation fund and a school on our waiting list will now be funded.  All Kids Bike would like to extend a very warm Thank You to those employees who pitched in to help get America’s kids rolling on two wheels!  

“Most of our employees have kids or grandkids learning how to ride on those Strider Bikes, we think they are the best thing and what a way for a child to learn,” Carla explained.   She also informed us of her own grandson who has worn a “track” in her carpet from riding his own Strider in her home.

An in-office fundraiser is a simple and great way to rally co-workers to work together towards a goal, we love the idea Highmark came up with and we challenge you to brainstorm with your co-workers to find a unique way to raise funds for a good cause.