Two Wheels Forever!
If there is anyone in the world— let alone the country—who knows what two wheels can do for the soul it is Rod Woodruff, owner of the Legendary Sturgis Buffalo Chip, a campground hosting millions of two-wheel travelers during the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota.
Rod understands that many motorcyclists got their early “fix” for all things two-wheeled as children first riding bicycles. “So many kids today don’t learn how to ride a bike at all. They’re all on their cell phone or something right, and so we’re missing a lot because kids get out and when they get out on motorcycles or bicycles, they start associating with other kids.” Rod told KOTA tv.
Now with Rod’s help, kindergartners at the Lead-Deadwood Elementary School will be on two wheels in no time. Rod reached out to All Kids Bike and expressed he would like to give the kids in Lead-Deadwood the chance to learn how to ride. Before long, All Kids Bike staff got the wheels in motion delivering a fleet of 18 bikes with pedal kits, as the bikes convert from balance mode to pedal mode during the class curriculum. The school was also supplied with helmets for each child.
Woodroof says this initiative gets the wheels turning on every level, “Riding a bicycle or motorcycle takes balance and coordination and with the All Kids Bike movement we can help children hone those skills that will stay with them for life.”
“Our Learn-to-Ride curriculum, which is an eight-lesson curriculum, aligned with Shape America national physical education standards starts with the first five lessons in balance mode, where kids are learning to balance, they’re able to still put their feet on the ground and propel forward by striding. The last three lessons are in the pedal mode, where they’re actually pedaling in a circular motion, learning to brake, learning how to go through obstacle courses and things like that.” Brittany Bergstrom from the Strider Education Foundation explains.
Lead-Deadwood Elementary Principal Tim Kosters said PE teacher Lecia Stagner has already become certified to teach the Learn-to-Ride program and that it will become part of her curriculum.
“I think this is a great opportunity for our students,” Kosters said. “We’re looking forward to offering more and expanding opportunities in our biking program and we’re always looking for opportunities to expand our physical education program. -KOTA TV
Woodruff said he is a big proponent of the Strider Learn-to-Ride program. “We’ve just gotta’ get kids out,” Woodruff said. “There’s a social element they miss out on by not riding bikes. Once they do, they get outside and all of a sudden, they become part of the community. It’s the opposite of that when the focus is on social media. They become withdrawn when they’re constantly on that gadget. There are no real interpersonal relationships being formed. This gets them eyeball to eyeball. The goal is to get everyone to ride. Can you imagine what a difference this will make 10- to 15-years down the line? By knowing how to ride a bike, they’ll know about sports and athleticism. It’s something they can do themselves that will give them independence and freedom of movement. I think it’s a great thing.” -Black Hills Pioneer