Kids on Bikes, HDR, and BNSF Railway Foundation Bring Kindergarten Bike Programs to Colorado Schools
COLORADO – April 11, 2022: Eight Colorado Schools received a donation of 24 new Strider® Balance Bikes from Kids on Bikes, HDR, and BNSF Railway Foundation as part of the All Kids Bike initiative. The donation of the All Kids Bike® Kindergarten PE Learn-to-Ride Program, includes Strider bikes, helmets, and curriculum.
The first bike delivery kicked off at Global Primary Academy of Mapleton Public Schools in Denver, where donor representatives and Governor Jared Polis joined the celebratory bike delivery to a very excited group of kindergartners. The students were surprised with the bike reveal and were then able to take the new bikes for a spin. The following week, bikes were delivered, in the same fashion, to the kindergarten PE class at Queen Palmer Elementary Schools of Colorado Springs District 11.

These events served to represent a multi-school donation. Kids on Bikes funded the program for Midland and Howbert Elementary School, of Colorado Springs District 11, with a $10,000 donation. HDR funded the program for Monterey Community School and Global Primary Academy of Mapleton Public Schools, as well as Queen Palmer and King Elementary School of Colorado Springs, with a total donation of $20,000. BNSF Railway Foundation funded the program for Adventure Elementary School of Mapleton Public Schools, and Wilson Elementary School of Colorado Springs with a total donation of $10,000.
By teaching kids to ride a bike in school, these generous donations are getting as many kids on bikes as possible, as early as possible. The All Kids Bike Kindergarten PE Learn-to-Ride Program boasts an inclusive, proven learn-to-ride curriculum that offers every child the opportunity to experience the joy of two wheels.
Kids on Bikes breaks down barriers to bicycling for kids throughout the Pikes Peak region. They are driven by a mission that all kids should enjoy bicycling. They have helped thousands of children gain access to free bikes, while also teaching them how to maintain their bike and how to ride safely.
The BNSF Railway foundation has supported and helped improve quality of life for thousands of communities across the 28 states through which BNSF operates, and where BNSF employees live, work and volunteer. These donations in Colorado marked the 10th and 11th schools that BNSF Railway Foundation has funded.
HDR’s giving focuses on education, healthy communities, and environmental stewardship. “HDR is proud to give back to the communities where we live and work. This learn-to-ride program makes an important impact, and we’re proud to roll up our sleeves to support our local schools,” said Brad Martin, HDR Colorado Area Manager.
Learning to ride a bike at a young age increases confidence while developing balance, mobility, safety, environmental awareness, and facilitating exercise. The program includes a proven, integrative 8-lesson curriculum, staff training and certification, a fleet of Strider bikes, and helmets. The fleet of dual propulsion 14x Strider Bikes start as balance bikes and convert to pedal bikes. The bikes used in the All Kids Bike program allow children and teachers to progress through the riding process void of fear and full of encouragement. Kids develop their skills with each session, first learning to balance, then learning to pedal, all on the same bicycle.
With every new school enrolled in the All Kids Bike Program, more children across the country are learning life skills and getting much needed exercise, while getting away from their computer screens and spending more time outdoors.
The Kindergarten PE Learn-to-Ride Program supports critical health and safety needs, including:
• Spatial awareness: Teaches the concept and understanding of “safe distancing” to a child.
• Limited touch points: Specifically designated hand placement limits cross-class touch points.
• Fosters overall health: Core muscle development, cardio activity, and mental motivation.
For more information about All Kids Bike, please visit AllKidsBike.org.
All Kids Bike is a national movement to place Kindergarten PE Learn-to-Ride Programs into public schools, using donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations. The All Kids Bike Kindergarten PE Program boasts an inclusive, proven learn-to-ride curriculum that offers every child the opportunity to experience the joy of two wheels. Launched in March 2018, there are already over 550 schools across all 50 states, teaching thousands of children how to ride over the next five years.”
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The mission of the BNSF Railway Foundation is to support and help improve quality of life for thousands of communities across the 28 states where BNSF operates, primarily across the Midwest, Southwest and Northwest regions of the U.S. As one of the largest freight railroads in North America, BNSF Railway is focused on making a difference in the communities where our employees live, work and volunteer. The BNSF Railway Foundation is our company’s main vehicle for charitable giving. To learn more, visit: www.bnsffoundation.org.