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Great things are happening at your school — staff and students are excited, and the community would love to share that excitement with you. In a world where the news isn’t always positive, it’s so refreshing to hear about school improvements and happy kids. Whether your school is seeking support to bring the program to your students, or is receiving a fully funded program, it’s important that you take the opportunity to share the news.

How to do it:

Creating a press release and/or media alert is the first step. A media alert invites press to an event. If your school is doing a big build day or a delivery presentation and would like media presence, create a media alert with the 

who, when, where, and what details. A press release can be used to inform media outlets of something that has happened or is happening and allows them the chance to share that information. It could also be an invitation for them to roll-out a bigger story.

When putting together a media alert, be sure you have all the details sorted out. Share what the event is all about, where the event will take place, and when. Decide whether you will be inviting familiar community members (mayor, governor, superintendents, local celebrities, businesses, organizations, etc.) and be sure to mention their attendance. Include a specific contact from your school for them to reach out to with questions.

Informing media about your school seeking support for the program or receiving the program, with a press release is a great way to share the excitement with your community. A press release should be an overview of the program, how it will be implemented in school, who is involved (donors, teachers, organizations, etc.), and any direct quotes from them as well. Occasionally, a media outlet will reach out to get additional information to build out a bigger story. This may include wanting to visit to see the program in action and conducting interviews. Again, it’s necessary to provide them with contact information for follow-up and/or questions.

The next step would be to compile a list of media outlets that you’d like to invite to your event or share your information with. This can be as easy as googling local news stations, radio stations, journalists, etc. Often times there’s a local media list available online, which would take care of the bulk of this step.

When sending out the press release or media alert, I like to preface it with a short personal message introducing myself, giving a couple-sentences 

summarizing the contents, and thanking them for their time. After sending off the message, your contacts who are interested will approach you to discuss any further details. It’s a great idea to call and follow up, especially after sending a media alert; you can ask if your event is on the editorial calendar a day or two before the event to give you a better understanding of who will be attending.

You’re all set to ring the bells and spread the word with your community! Below are some examples for your reference. Be creative and personalize the message to fit YOUR school’s story!

Media Alert Example:

Final preparations are taking place for today’s unveiling of the All Kids Bike program in [name of city). Community leaders and educators will be present, (include other significant mentions) along with [number of students] antsy Kindergartners, who will no doubt be excited at the sight of their new bikes. We hope to see you there!





Phone Number 

E-Mail Address


All Kids Bike Program is Coming to [Name of Elementary School]

What: [Name of school] Kindergartners will be present for the unveiling of new Strider® Balance Bikes as we join the All Kids Bike movement. The launch event will include words from [Notable speakers and their titles].

Where: [Name of School, Address, City, State, Zip Code] 

When: [Day, Month, Year, Time of Day]

Why: [Name of School] will receive the All Kids Bike Kindergarten PE Program, including learn-to-ride curriculum and Strider Balance Bikes, thanks to a generous donation from [Name of donor or “community efforts”]. The [# of bikes] new bikes were assembled by [Name of Group or Organization] and will help over [# of kindergartners X 5] kids learn to ride over the next 5 years. 

Attendees Will Include:

[# of students] kindergarten students from [Name of school]

[Familiar attendees]

ABOUT [Name of school]

*Short school bio will go here*


All Kids Bike® is a national movement led by the Strider® Education Foundation to place Kindergarten PE Learn-To-Ride Programs into public schools for free, using donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations.



Press Release Example:


[Business Name] Donates [Number of Bikes] to [School Name]

Every kindergartner will have the opportunity to learn to ride a bike in P.E. Class

City, State(Date) – [Business Name] donated a complete Learn-To-Ride Program, including Strider Learn-To-Ride Bikes, helmets and curriculum to [School Name]. The bikes were assembled [Date] at [Location] in a collaborative effort by various [Business] staff, who volunteered their time, along with [School District] employees.

This generous donation will help approximately [number of currently enrolled/ year x 5 years] kindergarten students learn to ride over the next five years.

The Strider Bikes will be delivered to every kindergarten physical education class at [name of school of district] and will be incorporated into their curriculum between [Dates].

[Name of school / district] will receive everything they need to get their students pedaling through the Kindergarten P.E. program. The program includes a proven, integrative curriculum, staff training and certification, the revolutionary, child-friendly Strider Learn-To-Ride Bikes, and helmets. The fleet of dual-propulsion 14x Strider Bikes start as balance bikes and convert to pedal bikes. This conversion makes learning to ride easier than ever before and makes training wheels obsolete. The Strider Education Foundation, the program provider, also offers continued support for each school to ensure everyone involved is successful for five years.

[Insert Quote from school district superintendent or principal]

[Insert Quote from business owner]

[More quotes from business owner]

About [Business]

Insert here

About [School District]

Insert Here


About Strider® Education Foundation and All Kids Bike

The Strider Education Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, was formed in 2017. The Strider Education Foundation believes that learning to ride can help everyone lead a happier and healthier life. Through the development of a proven Learn-To-Ride curriculum and donations of the world’s most advanced training bikes, the nonprofit organization makes riding available, safe, easy, and fun for everyone.



[school email address]

[mailing address]

[phone number]

Please use this PR Toolkit for additional resources and tips & tricks

AKB PR Toolkit