In honor of Presidents Day, we decided to ask our All Kids Bike Board President, Al Rieman of Black Hills Harley-Davidson in Rapid City, SD, to share with us his thoughts on the importance of the All Kids Bike Learn-To-Ride Program. Here is what he shared.
“I am pleased to be able to speak to you about “All Kids Bike”. I have been involved with this effort through the Strider® Education Foundation, and the momentum we are gathering has been truly amazing. And it is no wonder! After people learn about the program and the reason it exists it seems to strike a universal chord.
When I first became aware of the Strider product line, I felt that it was a great idea and bound to get kids riding earlier in life. It was only years later when I heard Ryan McFarland, the CEO of Strider, explain how the mission was much bigger than that. He explained that in today’s world many kids grow up without ever learning or experiencing the thrill of learning how to ride their bike. Growing up I can honestly say that I don’t think I knew a kid who did not know how to ride a bike.
For me and for many other kids of my generation learning how to ride your bike was our first taste of real personal freedom. Sure, Mom and Dad may be willing to take you somewhere, but having a bike and the ability to ride one allowed us to go when and where we wanted. I can tell you, I rode my bike all over this town and I loved the freedom and autonomy it gave me. Maybe that is why I am in the motorcycle business today. Whether it is freedom, transportation, exercise or some other reason, biking is for all kids. That is why the Strider Education Foundation has been so active in placing the All Kids Bike [Kindergarten PE] Program in public school systems: 157 schools in 29 states to date and growing faster every day.”
Enjoy this video of Al as he witnesses just how smoothly children transition from the All Kids Bike Learn-To-Ride Program to a small bike with power!